Humane Wildlife Removal Efforts

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Humane Wildlife Removal Efforts

4 May 2023
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Many wild animal species may seek refuge near a home or under it. The following guidelines will support the humane removal of wild animal species. Each step conducted will preserve an animal's life and protect the environment.

Nesting Behaviors

Nesting is a natural activity that raccoons, skunks, and other wild species with young babies practice. Wildlife species tend to make their habitats in forested regions. If food sources are difficult to obtain, wild animals may seek shelter in an alternate location. Wild animals may use leaves, sticks, and other natural materials to build a nest.

A nest is designed to keep animals warm and protected from other animals. If you spot a nest on your property and are concerned about the presence of animals, avoid disrupting the nest. Young babies could be inside the nest. If you attempt to move the nesting materials, you could potentially harm young animals that are dependent upon their mother.

Wildlife Removal Services

Contact an animal control technician. They can be scheduled to assess the nest. The technician will observe the setting where the nest is located. Droppings, fur, and the presence of live young will allow a technician to identify the animal species that is present. Humane wildlife removal services focus on safely deterring animals from remaining where they are.

The animal control technician may suggest that removal efforts are conducted after any animal babies are old enough to be moved. The technician will assess the natural surroundings near your home. They may recommend moving the animals nearby.

Although it may seem practical to you to have the animals moved far away from your home, this could be detrimental to the well-being of wild animals. When animals are moved far from their original location, they are not familiar with the food sources that are available. They could also be attacked by natural predators.

Wildlife Deterrents

A wildlife removal technician may use sprays, powders, and other products that are designed to deter wildlife species. Products that are formulated to deter animals will not be harmful. The scent of a product is what triggers an animal to leave the area where a deterrent has been applied.

A technician may suggest ways to block an area where animals were formerly nesting. Repairing a porch, for example, could make it difficult for an animal to access an area underneath it. Simple repair measures can usually resolve wildlife intrusions. 

For more information, contact a local company like Acorn Wildlife solutions.